first of all, sorry i've been so lazy, just haven't been feeling up to sorting through music and what not lately but now i do. so these guys where good enough to send me an email so i'll post their spaced out russian jams for you guys to enjoy. some of the riffage is a little different but its definitely some great tunage for sure. check out the links below and as always try to support all the bands that i post here. stay tuned for more, i have material from other bands that i need to post, sorry for taking so long guys, it is all appreciated!
also, you can probably see i added the sopa badge to this site, its not that i believe muscians shouldn't make money off their work, but that whole thing is a witch hunt and i'd stick it to anyone who's in a position of power like that trying to smash a dumb ass bill like that thru and states on camera that they dont know what the bill is about and that they need to get some nerds in their to explain it, well they can go to hell twice. by nerds do you mean people that are obviously smarter than you, this country is in such a bad way, holy tap dancing christ!