ok ladies and germs and other kinds of humanoids. this album, like the previous post, is not new. but this album rocks so so so so good! this one was kinda like Supershine, the rewster was playing it one day at work and i was like huh i gotta check these guys out and sure enough this album rocks the mother lovin house!!!!!! so definitely pick up a copy of this and of course support all the bands i post here because its a business and how a lot of these guys make a living for their families, so hook them up with a few bones whenever you can!
ps, remember guys, if you run across any broken links, let me know and i'll do my damnedest to get it back up and running. so help me help you and we'll all make the internet a better place. just send a little quick email with the page url and i'll take it from there, just ctrl+c and then ctrl+v that botch into an email, doesn't even have to have a subject line, and shoot that mother trucker my way and like i said i'll do what i can to fix it. alrighty? alrighty. have a good one guys!
oh also, if you live around the shit state of new jersey, go to atlantic city tomorrow night and see clutch with the rewster, his son, and myself! its going to be so diesel, i'm not sure if i'll survive the anticipation and excitement!