Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Moloch S/T 1970

Diving into some background tunes can typically be a helpful venture for any musician. There's no point in reinventing the wheel, however, we can make it lighter, faster and with more skulls for coolness. But in the end we're typically still playing the same blues riffs from 50 years ago. 

Anyway, with that said, I came across this album while exploring another blog, Silverado's Rare Music (link in post script). This is a great blog to explore if you frequent dark, dingy used record joints that smell vaguely of mold spoors (old albums). 

Moloch's self titled album is really representative of the style and the time period, you get the boogie tunes but also the slower tempo, more lament based blues tunes as well so its very complete. Its a real shift from 'Same Old Blues' to 'Cocaine Katy', however its a shift that I must say makes sense in the overall scheme of the album. 

This experience of an emotional range in an album is notably in contrast to the typical current state of underground rock. Many modern players will keep up a pace throughout a record that makes the album 'cohesive', however at times this may limit the potential of the work. With this in mind these older works add a dimension that is sometimes sorely lacking in modern records and that dimension is variation within a style.

Leaving all the technical stuff behind its super easy to enjoy this record. The choices of piano, hammond and a myriad of other choice instrument tracks compliment the familiar blues shuffles and typical patterns of the style and fill in the gaps. At least add a copy of this great record to your digital library as I do not believe you will be able to catch these guys live, or living? The wax version can be had on discogs relatively cheap as well (link in post script).


Friday, October 21, 2016

Fuzzcrafter S/T

Its a hard sell sometimes across the board when it comes to 3 piece bands, especially when they are instrumental. I personally know guys in the underground scene that appreciate the shit outta this sort of music and just can't get down with the 3 piece let alone the lack of vox.

However, I personally can dig well thought out instrumental tunes. I suppose maybe it has to do with the riff structure and appreciating the methodology of the construction. Either way, doesn't matter what I think beyond this record being worth your time. That's the point we're driving at here.

Its a tough swim these days through the sea of tunes and bands on outlets such as bandcamp. With that said after about 6 disappointing records I came across these fellas, Fuzzcrafter. From the opening riffs of the unceremoniously named, A1, I was very much pleased with the bass work. The tone, attack, structure and execution of the riffs are very nicely done with a precision that isn't always analysed and appreciated. 

In my humble opinion, Fuzzcrafter should continue to capitalize on their talented low end to drive the three piece. This isn't to diminish the finely composed guitar work, especially on pieces that show case such work as A4. 

This album portions out its fair share of heavy, spleen crushing, vibes along with some riffs so sweet you'll want to check your blood sugar levels. Couple this with the offering's variation and execution that many would spend eons striving for and you have a head nodding good time. Catch Fuzzcraft's S/T on bandcamp, and as always, check them out live if you have a moment and are in the Lyon France area.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Sufferghost ~ Thaw

Being a Curse the Son and Tuco Ramirez fan, see older reviews of their stuff and a links below, ps they put out a new album that rocks harder than fuck. But being a Curse the Son fan I was really stoked when I ran across this bandcamp page for a band that Ron from CTS was in previously called Sufferghost.

I hadn't heard of them so I said to myself I need to check this out. 

Its almost like a lost CTS album but certainly has its own personal features, and I think it was before the spider stole the weed. I'll make this short, if you like fuzzed out guitars at a reasonable speed, then you'll dig this. The vocals styling is a bit different but its great, its neither abrasive or offensive, which lets be honest can be a real deal breaker in the stoner/doom realm, for me anyway. Definitely give these guys a spin, check out Isolator from Curse the Son, its a monster and i'll do a proper review some time. But for now enjoy this record and enjoy the holiday. 

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Wet Cactus - S/T EP

On a random trip through the google searches for 'dessert rock', yes not desert but dessert, because i'm an idiot, i stumble upon these guys. However lets think about what dessert rock would be like, 1000lb cake, blunt cake, special brownies, etc etc.

So anyway, I'm at the office workin away, new job btw and it fuckin rules, but i'm jammin away on some brant bjork because i've been on a kick for a while. Haven't been doing a lot of digging since i've been busy with stuff, and stuff.

But i came across this rawkus of an ep and although its short this thundering beast certainly will keep your kyuss-esc space trip at a rhythmic pace that pumps so relentlessly that the album will be over before you realize, or desire. two, three listens may satisfy your jones, i dunno.

as far as bands hailing from Spain, this is certainly a first i think for the hoof. its difficult for me to get into some scenes. it may be time to take another look after this one. we dont need to drag this out any further, check these guys out on the bandcamp and facebook and whatever else they're on. if you're in that area and you're reading my blog than hello first off and second make sure you get these guys some bucks for their hard work and crafting. check em out!


Wet Cactus Bandcamp

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Samsara Blues Experiement ~ Long Distance Trip

I had listened to this a while ago and hadn't really gotten around to writing about it. I wont make claims that 'I knew about these guys way back man.' however, I almost would rather review this album as opposed to the two that have been released since the 2010 release of this particular slab.

There's a documentary that talks about this sort of music and Mark Arm of Mudhoney said it best, sometimes being over technical especially in rock and roll can just spoil the entire thing. I'm paraphrasing of course, you want notation and proper sighting you can go the fuck back to school, this is a respectable low brow organization here. PS that doc is here, and is one of my favs.

So I'm listening to this album again as a write the review here and its yet another album that really relates the execution and really the feeling of playing this sort of music. As musicians this three piece have built, with this record anyway because I haven't really delved into the others, an expression of the true intent of their medium. If you like Eternal Elysium and other sort of psychedelic, sort of rock and roll, sort of doomy, these guys are for you. I wont lie though, these guys firmly understand how to make a heavy psych/blues record, I don't think this was groping in the dark. This record offers much in the way of a methodically constructed sonic space trip.

As far as quality of the record is considered youd be hard pressed to find much you dont like about this. The guitar tones sing, the typical but required effects are just so, but in the back ground you'll hear a fuckin sitar, crazy/nice, this album is a labor of artists. It may annoy some, it may have parts where I'm like well maybe I'm just not in the proper state of mind to listen to this jam right now, but i tell ya man, I'm diggin it.

Check this album out if you're in a loud psych sort of mood, or are feeling Earthless.

Dig it.

Samsara Blues Experiment Bandcamp


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Weedruid ~ Into the Acid Swamp

I'm really digging this album, between the growling, growling not obnoxiously distorted, guitars and the perfectly logical flight of this album you merely need to turn it on to experience a complete thought from the collective consciousness of a modern underground doom rock band.

I myself enjoy how relatable this record is in the sense that the keys and progressions make sense. The meandering tour this slab will take you on had in my opinion the perfect amount of doom, typically the tempo falls out of modern 'doom' and it becomes very boring. As I said the crafting of this album is I think more impressive than the actual material, the lack of vocals makes for a riff showcase that is more groove based, none of the deedly deedly bullshits here.

I can't say much more than brilliant execution, it has the heart of Sleep with the sensibilities of a voxless Mars Red Sky, it's heavy as shit but at some points seems as finely crafted as a crystal pot leaf statuete in Satan's curio cabinet.

Check these guys out, enjoy.