Wednesday, December 16, 2015

APF ~ Gold Lead Iron

First of all if you dont know who these guys are get yourself to the hagerstown area of maryland or at least get on their bandcamp and support these dudes.

Alcohol Pussy and Firearms, APF, released the album Gold Lead Iron a couple months ago and I for one have listened to this baditude riddled blues rock beast several times.

Having had the chance to share show bills with these guys I can tell you that being at an APF occupied show is nearly as fun as watching these charismatic lunatics during their set.

The album Gold Lead Iron is the bands second full length release, check out the bandcamp link below for this record and the previous which rocks just as much. I sincerely enjoy all the tunes on this record and think these three fellas know how to produce quality music. The one thing I noticed that stuck out however was the recording quality, it seems to lean a bit toward the extreme end of low fidelity. The low fidelity thing works for these guys and their style but I really do believe given the run of a killer studio and a great budget they'd be able to craft and almost encapsulate the energy and quality brought to their live show. This doesn't mean its not worth its weight lead or iron, because it certainly is.

You can expect guitar and really overall tone that is so sweat you'll probably want to see your doctor about your soon to be contracted sonic diabetes. I really can't say enough about the obvious duality of care, craftsmanship and utter mayhem that seem to envelop the very style of APF. I've certainly enjoyed this installment, still enjoy the previous and will continue to. Grab a big shovel man cause there's so much to dig when you get into APF land.

Check out the bandcamp below, they have a facespace as well, get out to see these guys if you have the chance its a treat and wherever these guys end up with the next edition I'm sure it'll blow some minds again.

APF Bandcamp

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